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How To Store a Mattress Properly

How To Store a Mattress Properly

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You may need to keep a mattress if you’re thinking of downsizing your house. Perhaps, you want to turn a room into a gym. Generally, mattresses are expensive. Buying it is hasty as well. In that case, it’s essential that you take the right precautions to ensure their lifespan. You’ve come to the correct site if you’re wondering how to properly store a mattress.

Store your bed beneath other pieces of household furniture in the garage, rather than leaning it upright in your attic, since this might lead to a dented region or the growth of germs on your mattress. If you want to keep your mattress in peak condition while it’s in storage, follow these instructions shared below.

Mattress storing tips
Mattress storing tips at a glance

A clean mattress is essential

Before you properly store a mattress, make it clean. Although if you clean your sheets daily, dust mites, perspiration, and grime may build up in your mattress. Mold and fungus may form on a soiled mattress if it is not properly stored.

The best part is that sterilizing your mattress before putting it away for the winter won’t be a problem. You can restore the freshness of your mattress with just a few simple steps.

  • If your mattress is underneath, then take it out. Keep it away from all kinds of clothing and cover. Because, If you put a filthy mattress in stockpiling, you might end up with germs and fungal growth. It might have a huge chance of getting you sick. And your family as well. Make sure there’s not dirty cloth on your mattress. Clean it. 
  • Here comes a home treatment. As we all know, baking soda works like a weapon. Whenever bugs, parasites, or any related problem occurs, baking soda is the savior. Even, it clean off the stains as well. 
  • Throw it out in the sunlight. And let it be there. Make sure no one is making it wet. After a decent amount of time take it back. 

Cleaning your mattress is a vital thing. Once you do that properly, you’re ready to store your mattress. Follow the next section to know the storing methods and other necessary information.

The storage place of your mattress

Your house is an ideal place for storing your mattress. However, you can choose external storage services. But if you’re going to store your mattress at home, make sure the place is properly clean, and dry enough. Your outer basement could be the ideal environment. Due to its location and temperature, the fillings and cover are less at danger of being damaged. Empty, clean, and dry is recommended.

Storage space for mattress
Empty storage place for mattress

Ensure The Temperature

It is possible for the mattress to get moist if the air within the mattress bag or plastic covering becomes too humid. This might cause mold growth in your mattress.

We recommend keeping your mattress in a well temperate place to minimize mold and mildew. When hiring a storage facility, be sure that the space has temperature control to prevent these issues.

To maintain your mattress in exact shape, keep it between 18°C and 19°C. However, according to the US climate, 50% humidity is enough. Though it differs geographically. 

temperature for mattress
Ensure right temperature for mattress

Mattress cover

Mattress cover is the ultimate savior. Along with covers, there’re several mattress protectors out there. It will shield your mattress from getting wet as well as pastures. There are few ways to cover your mattress. You can wrap it in a polythene bag. However, you can buy a mattress cover, or a mattress bag. Both could save your precious mattress from getting damp, and wet. 

mattress cover 1
Mattress cover (Zipped)

Keep it flat

You may travel your mattress upright for short durations. The materials within will be damaged. As a result of the pressure from one side, the cushion and interior structure might become uneven. Also, unpleasant to sleep on.

“There is a risk that the mattress’s cushioning and coils may settle if you put it on its side.  Be aware!”

Says Our Expert

If you can, keep your mattress flat on the ground with a tarp or other covering below. so it doesn’t touch the ground. Use other furniture to create the same surface if there isn’t enough room.

Keep other things away

When storing your mattress, make sure there are no items on it. Plan your storage beforehand. Make an organized store. So that nothing falls or stands upon your mattress. Because, the pressure of items might ruin the inner structure of your mattress.

However, the springs of your mattress also get loosen. In the end, the mattress will be of no use. Needless to say, due to external items and pressure, your mattress might get torn. Be aware of it. 

Maintain Breathability 

After a long time of storage, your mattress may still smell a little musty, even if it is well stored. For safety reasons, let it air out in an area that is well-ventilated for at least several hours. If your mattress still smells after this, you may want to give it one more cleaning or deodorizing attempt before putting it to work.

breathability of mattress
Make sure of breathability for mattress

Important thing to keep in mind about storing mattresses.

Mattress storing method differs. Not all mattresses are stored in the same way. There’re various kinds of mattress in the market.

Types of Mattress
Four types of mattress


It needs enough space in the storage room. Be careful while transporting this mattress. Innerspring coils are not nearly as flexible as memory or latex foam layers. Moving the mattress might drive one or more coils through the cover or weaken them, compromising the bed’s support system.

Memory Foam

It has a popular mattress, as it is soft, comfortable, and supportive. It is also environmentally friendly, as it does not require any chemicals or pesticides to be produced. It is a very delicate mattress. That’s why avoid interior trim cleaners. It will not come out of the foam the same way it would from a conventional cloth, while keeping memory foam mattresses.

Air Mattress

If you’re camping or hiking, air mattresses can also be a great way to sleep on the ground. They can also be a great way for ground sleeping, if you’re camping or hiking. Plus, they make great beds for those who don’t have room for a regular bed.

Hybrid Mattress

It is necessary to periodically turn hybrid mattresses that have coils and foam, even in storage, to avoid coil wear. Every couple months normally. You should also avoid using interior trim cleaning on hybrid mattresses.

After care for your mattress

You stored your mattress successfully! But your task doesn’t end here. Your mattress needs to look after it gets stored. You have to examine it. If you find any issue, solve it. Otherwise, your favorite mattress might get ruined, and cause you a good deal of money. Check the chart below. 

Major Problems And Solutions After Mattress Storing
Major Problems And Solutions After Mattress Storing


Can all mattresses store in the same way?

Ans: No, it depends on the size, and type of the mattress. 

Can I use a vacuum to clean my mattress?

Ans: Yes, but not recommended. Especially for memory foam mattresses. 

How to remove mattress odor?

Ans: Combine cold water and distilled white vinegar. Consider adding a few drops of essential oils like lavender or eucalyptus to cover any unpleasant odors. Apply it. Simple as it sounds. 

Is it very hard to store a mattress? 

Ans: No, only lying flat a mattress could be a solution. If you lay it down on the floor at the storage, make sure of the temperature, and breathability. That’s all. 

How long can I store my mattress? 

Ans: Typically, checking after one months is required. You can store it for long enough then.

What’s the cost of storage services for mattress?

Ans: It costs around 30-50$



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